Friday, June 12, 2015

First blog post

After struggling with Wordpress, I decided to try this instead.  I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with all the technology we are using in this class...... but excited to get comfortable with it so I can start using it in my program.  I suppose being immersed in is the only way to achieve that goal!!!

I can honestly say I was not a fan of Twitter.  I created an account last semester for another class and didn't really buy in.  Then my son went to Washington DC for his 8th grade trip.  They weren't allowed to bring cell phones with them so I followed what they were doing on Twitter.  Then this class started.... I am really enjoying the posts and sharing from everyone in this class.  I think it's all in the organization.  If you only follow certain people, you don't have to feel bombarded and sift through all the Tweets to find what you're looking for.

I look forward to the journey this class will be!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amanda,

    I chose Wordpress precisely because it seemed daunting to me, but after some experimentation, I've gotten used to it and actually really like it. I completely understand about feeling overwhelmed by the breadth of technology for this class (I think we're all feeling that way!), but I too am enjoying learning some of these technologies better. The tech I had not delved into but am now so glad I did was RSS. I think I will be able to keep up with posts from my favorite sites so much easier now.

    As far as Twitter, you can create lists so you can view a feed just with what you want. Holly created an ITEC list for this class if you are interested in subscribing:

